速報APP / 財經 / Pay&Go Albania

Pay&Go Albania





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本




Pay&Go Albania(圖1)-速報App

Pay & Go Wallet is an application created to bring in touch of your hand the facility of everyday payment you need, with the fastest and innovative technology of the moment. Our mission is to give to our customers the peace of mind for the periodic and instant payments.

Pay&Go Albania(圖2)-速報App

We are the electronic payment platform that helps everyone on the everyday needs. You save a lot of time only by changing your payments behavior!

All our transactions are in real time, which means that your money is in destination within second, ready to be used.

Pay&Go Albania(圖3)-速報App

We promise you that we will continue improving by offering new services, features and functionalities, so keep updated….

Pay&Go Albania(圖4)-速報App

Pay & Go sh.p.k is a Non-Bank Financial Institution, based in Albania which brings the best experience of the electronic payments via self-services platforms, operating in more than 23 countries.

Pay&Go Albania(圖5)-速報App

Our platform, worldwide processes more than 70 mil transaction, from 171k terminals, by 15 mil Users, with an integration of 75k providers

Pay&Go Albania(圖6)-速報App

This means a huge history of experience behind it!

Pay & Go Wallet eshte nje aplikacion i krijuar per te sjelle me nje prekje te dores tuaj thjeshtesine qe ju nevojitet per pagesat e perditshme, me ane te teknologjise me inovative ( te re) dhe me te shpejte te momentit.

Pay&Go Albania(圖7)-速報App

Ne jemi platforma e pageseva elektronike qe ndihmon kedo ne nevojat e perditshme. Ju fitoni kohe vetem duke ndryshuar menyren se si beni pagesat tuaja. Te gjitha transaksionet tona ndodhin ne kohe reale, cka do te thote se parate tuaja jane ne destinacionin e deshiruar brenda disa sekondash, gati per t’u perdorur. Ne ju premtojme qe do te vazhdojme te permiresohemi duke ofruar sherbime te reja, opsione dhe funksionalitete, keshtu qe mbahuni te informuar…

Pay & Go shpk eshte nje Institucion Financiar Jo Bankar, i vendosur ne Shqiperi, qe sjell eksperiencen me te mire te pagesave elektronike nepermjet platformave te vet-sherbimit, qe operojne ne me shume se 23 vende te tjera.

Pay&Go Albania(圖8)-速報App

Platform jone perdoret ne mbare boten dhe proceson mbi 70 milion transaksione ne dite, nga 171 mije terminale, me nje perdorim nga 15 milion usera dhe me shume se 75 mije sherbime te integruar.

Kjo tregon per nje histori te madhe eksperience pas saj!